Saturday, June 15, 2013

I will not regret loving deeply

When Michelangelo was asked how he carved his magnificent David, his reply is reputed to have been, “I looked inside the marble and just took away the bits that weren’t David.”

1 peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

I will never regret loving deeply,
even though i dont do it perfectly
even though my loving at times
goes awry cuz my sinful pride and lies 
still God you let me love till it riddles in my bones

i will not regret loving deeply
till it covered

i will never regret the times
Gods grace allowed me to love so deep 
as to forgive a multitude of sins

as to forget those things done and said

God you let me
and wish the best
work hard even when i wanted
to give up

i can never regret
the times
of loving till 
i can't stop
thats how Jesus loves
without halts

i wont regret loving deep
even when i am not
loved the same
treated like a sinful shame

i guess i am...
arent we all a step away
from a fall?
But o
i am more hopeful somehow
my creator isnt done with me now

but God how can i use my love like a currency anyhow? 
I must give and
close my eyes

even tho i may be left to
die but
you won't

you wont leave me because your love
wont run dry

and if mine does please O God 
fill me quick back again
remembering to love how you love 
crazy and big

who am i not to love like this?
when i am one of the chief sinners too
messed up and confused

why you paid for me
with your life?
thats love i didnt even choose
you outdid them all
your love is that huge

your deep love
woos me
cleans me
calls me over
and over
and over
and over

you dont tire
in telling me to
come back
to come
to fall again into
your open arms

you remind me when i am cold
of your selfless love
your actions, bold.

father please let me love others 
the way you have shown 
and by what you have told!

dont ever let my wounds
hide me away
toughen my heart from loving till
im pained

let me always 
see the work of art 
you are molding
sketching in marble and clay

so i can say
that you are chipping away 
everything that isnt
that persons true self
in you.
we are not finished till the final day.

Jesus you are making all things

what a pretty color that rock has
oh the hue!

i am that work of art too
that you are carving 
i thank you that
you cherish this 
marble slab

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