Thursday, January 29, 2009

you are sovereign
above all things
you use a little me
to do your work unimaginable
it really puts a grin on my face
and i have to laugh
why would you- the maker of the universe
use a simple faulty small mess
to plant your seeds of hope?
i will never know.
but your love-it is astounding.
i will praise you in all things..
when my heart fails
and when it is lifted.
your abundance flows
you can do immeasurably
MORE than i can imagine
so i await your redemption
and salvation
for me and the ones I love O god of hope.
reign in us.

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

oh the hypocrisy of life
and its blatant grasps that temp me
i am depraved and i fall continually
wow i am amazed by my utter evil soul
Lord it is a fight to be your follower
never the less where else can i go?

psalm 73:22-26

my heart breaks
for those around me-
who are suffereing
in this fallen world.
i feel as if there is nothing i can do.
my words of comfort go so far,
but not far enough to fill the depths of longing.
so my prayer raises up today-
that the pitfalls and heart aches will find;
my dear loved ones on their knees.
and that together
we will see our humanity
and look up to divinity.
overpowering, life altering love.
MY heart is in longing today..for _the searching_
may He do a new thing.
Lord i wait
for You to make a road in the wilderness; a stream in this desert.
