Saturday, June 15, 2013

I will not regret loving deeply

When Michelangelo was asked how he carved his magnificent David, his reply is reputed to have been, “I looked inside the marble and just took away the bits that weren’t David.”

1 peter 4:8
Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins.

I will never regret loving deeply,
even though i dont do it perfectly
even though my loving at times
goes awry cuz my sinful pride and lies 
still God you let me love till it riddles in my bones

i will not regret loving deeply
till it covered

i will never regret the times
Gods grace allowed me to love so deep 
as to forgive a multitude of sins

as to forget those things done and said

God you let me
and wish the best
work hard even when i wanted
to give up

i can never regret
the times
of loving till 
i can't stop
thats how Jesus loves
without halts

i wont regret loving deep
even when i am not
loved the same
treated like a sinful shame

i guess i am...
arent we all a step away
from a fall?
But o
i am more hopeful somehow
my creator isnt done with me now

but God how can i use my love like a currency anyhow? 
I must give and
close my eyes

even tho i may be left to
die but
you won't

you wont leave me because your love
wont run dry

and if mine does please O God 
fill me quick back again
remembering to love how you love 
crazy and big

who am i not to love like this?
when i am one of the chief sinners too
messed up and confused

why you paid for me
with your life?
thats love i didnt even choose
you outdid them all
your love is that huge

your deep love
woos me
cleans me
calls me over
and over
and over
and over

you dont tire
in telling me to
come back
to come
to fall again into
your open arms

you remind me when i am cold
of your selfless love
your actions, bold.

father please let me love others 
the way you have shown 
and by what you have told!

dont ever let my wounds
hide me away
toughen my heart from loving till
im pained

let me always 
see the work of art 
you are molding
sketching in marble and clay

so i can say
that you are chipping away 
everything that isnt
that persons true self
in you.
we are not finished till the final day.

Jesus you are making all things

what a pretty color that rock has
oh the hue!

i am that work of art too
that you are carving 
i thank you that
you cherish this 
marble slab

To You, With All of My Heart

love is lost
when you cant stand
to work
through the grime
to get to grand
to see the shape
hidden in the sand
to hold and dust off that one
you committed your hand

when do we believe
we are perfectly clean?
when do we pretend
we are worth
betraying a friend?

when do we walk away
and say someone will never be okay
and say we are going a different way?
do we do that after committing our heart?
do we abandon our treasure like it 
is nothing but
faux art?
because your love won't bend
just the way you do?
because your love wants her own future
her own hopes too?
because distance can strangle and confuse
whats true?

when do we start walking away when someone cries?
when do we start believing our own twisted lies?
and leave our love as an unwanted whore
treated like nothing more than a monster struggling and poor
when all she did was beg to not be ignored
to work on the things that they both didnt understand or

but like a coward ---quiet you walk away.
with her dress white and clean
for a special day?
with open arms that
only asked you 
to stay ?
all budgeted
to your liking
wasn't enough to sway?

she threw family as a scapegoat
it was never about that anyway
cant you see how you never let her in?
cant you see how
you scheduled her and penciled her in?

how she longed to be yours 
but you only gave scraps
as she craved
and poured her heart
till it was empty of sap

you treated her like a child
hungry you let her outside
a while
you confided in, and idolized them 
when she longed to be your
faithful friend

cant you see she
threw all aside and resigned
left her whole world for yours
with a smile?

but deep down she knew
you'd never do the same
and all you could do to her was
blame, blame, blame
the questioning sickening her brain

you told her to put you first 
but you never did the same

It was plain
to see 
she would live a life 
alone, as you became everything
you wanted to be


she used her family 
just to see
if you loved her 
as recklessly 
as can be

If you loved her 
as she loved you 

if you'd 
give up 
your precious world

Thursday, June 13, 2013

you let them hold me down
you weren't around
you let them hold me down with their cold hands
and you walked away 
from me 
and you never looked back

i cant breathe anymore
im pretty sure
i cant breathe anymore

but then Jesus
you round the corner
and tell me
its okay

you know the way
i go and
the whys all
hidden in dark places

and unfriendly faces
you stoop down
so i can see
your kind face

you give me your hand
you hand me grace
there is no disgrace

you make me radiant
take all my ashes
and i am beautiful

you beautify me with your salvation
and i know
that no man can harm

i am calm in your hands
who can be against me
when the king
stoops down and
wipes the tears from my face
pushes my hair back and tells me I'm safe?

Wednesday, June 12, 2013

what will it be
crouched in the corner like a stray
all my strength
and stripes
put away
for another day
for another year
shall i quiver now
tremble whiskers drooping down
when will my silver claws come out
and my hazel eyes swallow

Monday, June 10, 2013

God you saved me
I was blind moving forward like
a hollow ghost
yelling at myself
to convince myself
you knew the whole time
spoke those whispers in my heart
I foolish didnt listen
I thought I was right
I thought you wanted this
I was so wrong
the pretty circle on
my finger
did not make me smile
but i was filled with tumbling fear
and steady uneasiness
and you knew why.
you know why.
i didnt know why
and ignored the lonely nights
the questioning thoughts
the calculated, scheduled talks
the sick dropping feelings at
condescending phrases
the thin ropes being laced around my wrists
all with a soft voice
all with a smile
all with a christian tip of the hat
and a "God told me that...."

i open my mouth and he shut me up.
but You know what its like to be betrayed with a kiss
religious leaders headed for your wrists
i felt the wrongness every time.
a thought, a dream, a truthful line
all killed and murdered with a cheap rose

"you'll be mine, little wife and only go where I go
shut up and
follow me
that's how it is supposed to be
your'e a christian? Huh? well why cant you see- that it is all about ME?
they all think I'm a saint and so do you- 
isn't this ordeal quaint?"

the thick red flags floating and flying fiercely behind
his words that truly were about "i"
not we, no.
sacrificial love no.
him and them
are allies godly, lofty
and me
the rebel spy.

well, ive spied with my eye
selfish religiosity, complacency, duality, manhood abused and misunderstood, sick
and refined
and "you'll never change, that is the gospel little girl get it right."
adding to God's words like its

thank you God
you let me loose
even though I cried.

Click on the Link and do not forget!

remember who you are.

I am a daughter of the King!

Rejoice In Trials-Notes From Church

1 Peter 4

we should expect trials

the pearl of great price is God himself

Jesus was maligned by religious people
do not be surprised if this happens to you too...

rejoice in trials
-this is humanly impossible apart from God
-remembering that he is good and in control

why rejoice?
-trails lead us to a deeper fellowship with Jesus
we share in His sufferings
-deeper level of desiring Gods glory
(our suffering not worthy to be compared with the glory to be revealed)
-Closeness to God's spirit
Fear replaced by faith

Examine yourself in trials
make sure your suffering is not sin on your part
if there is sin repent!
yet even in self inflicted suffering
God is there and pursues us and uses it for good

Glorify God in your trial.
we should feel honored to suffer for Jesus

'Lord show me what you have for me in this"
SUBMIT to Gods refining process

Entrust yourself to Gods refining process
Where else can you go??
Give yourself to Jesus for safe keeping

Keller-God is completely present with us in our suffering.He knows what it is like.

Continue to do good as you entrust yourself to Jesus!


like the prodigal son...trials can bring us back to Jesus. He welcomes us home.

Problem of Pain- Lewis
... all these toys were never meant to have my heart......
God let me remember this.

Learn and Keep Learning

“The best thing for being sad," replied Merlin, beginning to puff and blow, "is to learn something. That's the only thing that never fails. You may grow old and trembling in your anatomies, you may lie awake at night listening to the disorder of your veins, you may miss your only love, you may see the world about you devastated by evil lunatics, or know your honour trampled in the sewers of baser minds. There is only one thing for it then — to learn. Learn why the world wags and what wags it. That is the only thing which the mind can never exhaust, never alienate, never be tortured by, never fear or distrust, and never dream of regretting. Learning is the only thing for you. Look what a lot of things there are to learn.”

For the Lord takes pleasure in His people,
He will beautify the afflicted ones with

Psalm 149:4
You are never too old to set another goal or dream a new dream
-C.S. Lewis

For nothing is impossible with God.
Luke 1:37

God gives. God takes away. Blessed be His name!

For in many dreams and in many words there is emptiness. RATHER FEAR GOD.

jER 30:10-17

....Your wound is incurable....

17 For I will restore health to you
and your wounds
I will heal, declares the Lord,
because they have called you outcast.


Your name
fills all the walls in my house
like toxic gas
I have no time
to grab a mask
i see my thin shadow
gently collapse
eyes burnt like toast
heart beating red and wide
suddenly all frozen in a chilling tide
I float on a bed in a gray lagoon.
Intoxicated breaths and
fading soon.
I dare not move
I tremble at you
let me out
let it be fast.
No known signal from my mouth
can elapse-
just mute gasps,
soft cries,
morose laughs.
pockets in
sick toxic gas.


Knees bent
crouched with desperate intent-
I fling myself to thee!
But you-
stay there in Sur.
keep that nice suit
and still
and handcuff your
to the Sur side.
Your smile
crumbles and
and dusts away old
you are nothing but
a hill of rot
and lust
and silky sighs and lies
that sizzle and fry
sticky hearts
thrashing throbbing and alive
like mine.
You wont have time
to step close
as you steady that smile hun,
I will run
panting hard
towards the sun.

April (Inspired by The Wasteland...and Real Events in My April)

"April is the cruelest month"
breaking new holes
and filling old ones
screaming loudly and open
randrops heavy and
cold withered scabs
open windows
thrown blankets
boxes packed with books and moth letters
eyes alert in dark mornings
shifting, searching, mourning.
Curtains aback
light stinging, scorching,
burning, killing, ripping,
and opening
to bandaid
to purge
wreckage cleared spotless.
absent you
i say

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