Wednesday, September 28, 2011

i walk under
those branches
and moss
covers my eyes
like lashes
other times
i hear your voice and
i cant breathe
its so strong
heavy on my ribcage i see you
in the hall
as i
a prisoner
from room 249
my hands keep slipping off the metal
but you touch them
and help me unlock
im not sure
eating hotdogs for days
is wrong.
45 seconds and
im off
fit a bite in
onto the map
clock round map
white like chalk
tick tock.
im not sure now
what to say
i cant look at you
and i want to.
oh, i want to.
ill walk
quiet like Sandra
and Elizibeth
and keep on
eating my thick slices of fear
so i dont have to be
eating hotdogs
to keep me alive
if that's what it takes
nothing in my pocket
but a couple of mistakes
and closed
and "we didnt need you
but its okay
we'll do
what it takes
she says on the phone
as i try not to tear
they come anyway though.
get up off your floor
you've never been alone
little girl
youve never been alone.

Mirrored Poem for class (If I Were In Charge of the World!)

If I were in charge of the world
I'd cancel goodbyes,
Soggy french fries
bed times and also
Joel Ostien.

If I were in charge of the world
There'd be chocolate milk IVs,
bubbles instead of fog, and laughter would be a language.

If I were in charge of the world
You wouldn't have disappointed
You wouldn't have "too much"
You wouldn't have "not enough"
Or alone.
You wouldn't even have cold toes.

If I were in charge of the world
A car would be a horse.
All walls would be chalkboards.
And a person who sometimes forgot to keep it cool
And sometimes forgot to finish "to dos"
Would still be allowed to be
in charge of the world.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Psalm 130

1Out of the depths I cry to you, O LORD!
2O Lord, hear my voice!
Let your ears be attentive
to the voice of my pleas for mercy!

3If you, O LORD, should mark iniquities,
O Lord, who could stand?
4But with you there is forgiveness,
that you may be feared.

5I wait for the LORD, my soul waits,
and in his word I hope;
6my soul waits for the Lord
more than watchmen for the morning,
more than watchmen for the morning.

7O Israel, hope in the LORD!
For with the LORD there is steadfast love,
and with him is plentiful redemption.
8And he will redeem Israel
from all his iniquities.

Monday, September 12, 2011

wow...glancing up on my desk

God doesn't want us to know the future, He wants us to know Him. He wants us to trust Him to guide us into the future one step at a time.


My times are in your hand.

Psalm 31:15
..."there was no one there to see, for if there is one thing more certain than another, it is that the development of hinds' feet is a secret process, demanding that there should be no onlookers."

-Hinds Feet on High places p59

Sometimes obeying God- can look to others like you are doing nothing.
Will I still obey?

M- I don't want to be excited. I could be crushed
L- you shall never love then.

Thursday, September 8, 2011

pound in again
like the point steel
of a nail
slipping deeper into
the skin
deep within
and to a core.
I want
and nothing more.
but now it creeps in
making my insides
i bend over in two
i cant i cant
let my heart win.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Image Perspective (For Class)

(notice bottom left corner)

Love Bird

Fine lady
Your beak shines like black leather shoes
Your Pink Plumes
Fashioned elegantly on your head
Are most impressive- even more so
Than your silk fan
And dress of light blue.
Oh! How your purple royal robe
Suits you so.
And I, being a kind red parrot
Shall let you know…
I can not yet …bid you adieu.
I wish you’d take my hand for a dance
But lo, the cunning blue jay has now advanced
He has caught your eye and I
Am left behind
Even the old pigeon stands over your shoulder
Begging for a single glance; a sign.
A timid fish risks his safety
Approaching you for a chance
You stand austere and sure you’ve found
A jay to pass the next dance.
Fair pink bird
I have nothing to do.
I stare down at my top hat
Thinking only
of you.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Only Jesus-Hymn

"Jesus, Jesus, only Jesus
Can my heartfelt longing still.
Lo, I pledge myself to Jesus,
What He wills alone to will,
For my heart, which He hath filled,
Ever cries, "Lord, as Thou wilt."
how you find us so
and pursue us so
how you reach us more and take us out
carry me now!
carry me now!
you bring your children
scattered abroad you use us to bring back
the rest of your flock...
what a joy what a joy
to walk back the trail
the one which you opened up to us
to lead us high
lead us all to your pastures
we cry

Saturday, September 3, 2011

if every feigned eyed song was written of you
id say it were true.
for it all fell stone before
and never gave me as deep a sore as
this sleepless melody
does now.
you do, it seems,
belong in every cheerful stream
of song that has
ever been sung or strummed
those did not know of what they sang
and did not drink of which i now sink.
Your cymbals deafen me, still.
Keep. Make me fall within and I am without.
murmured as a quiet shout...

"Tis happy to love"

dreams and desires
mixing in one
string one fire heart to
want you
Gods choosen one
shepherd me to
the waiting hills
make my feet new
i am limping still
gentle gaze on
my poor state
drawing me softly
patient you wait.
I wonder at you,
holding your staff.
waiting and beckoning me as I
fling forward at last
take off my weight that
dreaded pack.
take me to the heights now.
I dont want to come back.

Where I am From Poem (For Class)

I am from ‘Te quiero” and “What’s happenen Mon?”

I am from underneath the St Croix Palms

Tucked beneath a Caribbean sunrise.

I’m from tart pasta sauce, fried plantains sweet and salt

and fresh rice.

I’m from fat rain and new ribbons, car seat too.

I’m from the flashing lights of Tokyo blind-

And slamming doors bent over in two.

I’m from Costa Rica and Nippon

Sitting quiet under a 4am sun.

I’m from the winter bells of pasteles

Red words whispering me goodnight-

They roll off the tongue and I’m undone.

I’m from “If I tell you one more time”… and “Give me a kiss.”

I’m from wet hair, cold river, cockatoo on my wrist.

Dominican Republic and jade bright tea

Silver chocolate wrappers crinkle and running through trees.

I’m from tucked in deep green and under white stars,

gasping laughter and Happily ever afters.

I’m from red curtain Murray Hill

And pulsing dead ears.

I’m from Chai, paint and glue-sticks.

And from a box of flung paper

happy scribbles and tears.

And of course, voices around the lit fire

Never to end.

I climb through these crystal cobwebs up through

New threads.

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