Saturday, December 8, 2012

i want it all
and nothing at all
i want things
that are nothing
i want them for nothing
what do we want that
is worth wanting anyways
do we want anything out of purity
or do our hungry souls
direct our wanderings, decisions, duties?

i will never know
i follow a winding road
i want to decide on my own
what is sweet and what is torn
i can not tell the difference sometimes
between beauty and dark lies
if it is up to me
i chase vanity
and she always blames me in the end
always welcomes me as a friend
always shuts the door and
does not let me in and leaves me banging hard
for some tea and scones
she leaves me outside to drown
in the rain
she does not care because that is who she is
there today
and gone tomorrow
a fickle worthless
she will fade in the wind
i want nothing at all
i want things that are nothing
i want them for nothing.
air sticks
your thick
but don't let out
the ringing
of those words
jagged pure
riddled soft
over coarse waves keep
inside you until
tears they fall into
open palms
