( i wrote this on a four hour plane ride from LA to Orlando at 3 in the morning. And felt there was no need to refine it because it was pure and natural like when you laugh or cry. Thank God for writing.)
Im sitting on a plane
just turned on the light
probably awoke everyone.
i am painfully awake
restless, in this rigid state
faces of people blank with heads tilted upward
dreams slipping in and out of their minds-
why not mine?
why am i stricken with unending
restless spirit-
Bring us home Abba.
As the plane tilts back
and forth floating up
and down through thick
the people yawn and
their sleep droans on through
the heavy sound of
the pulsing air
it cradles their dreams
but cuts through mine like
spliting an apple
with a snapping crack
I find no soothing rhythm
in the bouncing, trembling
I find no solace in the dim
lit isles and powdered smell
sifting through the mixed air
but then alas- is this a glimmer of hope?
Millions of bright
sparkle together through
oval windows
golden shapes-squares
and circles and diamonds-Tiny
world bellow magic with
magic lights and unearthly
glow-landing in
this crystal land- we
become small, and one of them.
you were in l.a.!? you were in the city of angels?! and I didn't know!? next time you're here... you really ought to say hi. i would like to ssee your face.:)